If you haven't visited the Brisbane Gallery of Modern Art lately then it's time to schedule a visit, before the 1st August. The Ron Mueck collection is showing at the moment and, I promise, you will not be disappointed. Ron Mueck is an Australian born artist whose specialty is the mesmerising creation of lifelike human sculptures. The first time I viewed the collection I was hooked. So much so, I had to go and see it again. I didn't know anything about Ron Mueck before I went, and I was shocked at the intensity and range of emotions I experienced looking at these sculptures, that so accurately depicted the anatomy of the human body. Not only that, the works projected and expressed such a range of emotion and evoked the same within myself. You'll walk around the exhibit going "...but how does he do...?" and "that's just s-oooo amazing".
Be warned if your prudish about the human body in all it's glory, you might have to prepare yourself before you go. Most of the figures are naked and some figures are giant sized . . . so big the artist wouldn't have been able to find a fig leaf big enough to cover the male sculptures most manly treasures, if you get what I mean. Michaelangelo has nothing on Ron Mueck’s idea of proportions. In any case if you’re in Brissy try and squeeze it in somehow because you will not be disappointed.
x Debbie
Hoping to get out to GoMA this weekend and check out these amazing pieces! Thanks to the world class standard of GoMA it's great to see Brisbane start to attract such high profile artists.